Friday 2 November 2007


Assalamualaikum...(PEACE UPON YOU)

Friday, 2nd November 2007. 4 pm, Student Union Auditorium.

"Thank you for your attention." Dr Burton ended his talk today.
"Alhamdulillah". I whispered slowly. It was, 1 hour exceeded from the real timetable. Anyway, It s fine.

"Korang, kita nak pergi ambil duit kat ATM la. korang balik dulu la," Arome told us.

"Ok," i replied.

Wani, macam mana nak buat Sup ayam?

Walking home together from the Student Union has again gave us precious time to talk about many things together. As usual, we were talking rather than chatting.

"Hari ni awak masak kan?" I asked atikah even though i known her answer already.

"Haah. kita ingat nak masak sup ayam la," she said. After a long pause, she asked, "Wani, macam mane nak buat sup ayam?'

"Oh senang je. Macam ni...."

After I have finished giving the recipe and the methods that I wished it will work on her ( because I don't really follow the recipe when I cook. I am like my mom. just "campak" the ingredients into the pan according my instinct. Really. Follow the Instinct- My cooking theory.),
she seemed look understand. Good. Before she went up stairs to her room, i wished her:

"Teaks, selamat memasak,".

Apsal senyap je ni?

" Isk.. mana la senior-senior medic ni. Tak online pun," I checked my Yahoo Messenger list.

"Macam- macam la soalan Histology ni," I started to murmur.

Sometimes, I asked my seniors the questions that i don't understand when doing my homework. on that evening, none of them online. maybe they were still in the hospital.

Sudenly, I wonder what atikah was doing. No noise at the kitchen. Really. I walked to the kitchen. It was qiuet. in deed.

" teaks, awak ok ke?" I asked her. No answer.

I went to our wet kitchen. I saw her. I stared at her face. She was frowning. I looked on the sink. There were maggi plastic covers.

" Eh, maggi?" I was speechless yet, my eyes staring clueless to her. She looked scared, I think.

" Mana sup ayam awak?"

" Sorry la. Rupa-rupanya ayam dah habis. Kita tak tau nak masak apa. Kita ingat nak masak maggi je," finally she said something.

Teaks, teaks. No wonder you look scared. She might feel guilty, I think.

" La..kenapa awak diam je. Panggil la kita. Bilik kita depan je tu teaks. Kesian awak," i said. I hope she won't feel down.

"Tak apa. Kita tolong awak la. Awak carry on je dengan maggi. Kita masak sayur," . I started chopping carrot .

"Tak pe ke makan maggi?" she asked, her voice was so slow.

"Rilek la teaks..tak da apa apa la. Jangan risau. Kitorang boleh je makan maggi. Nanti kita sambung kerja awak. kita masak sayur dulu. Dah nak masuk maghrib ni. Cuma lain kali, kalau ada problem, cakap dengan kita. jangan diam je. Ingat tu?"

Suddenly I felt guilty. Usually I was the one who buy raw food for our house. But I forget to tell her about the chicken. It was running out.

Sorry Teaks.

Complimentary BASE PAIRING.

That's my story. No, it is our story.

Me and atikah are like complimentary base pairing. I might be a little bit better than her at house work( i think so, don't you, teaks?), but I am quite lousy at certain things. Or..many things.

My new handphone and line....she was the one who helped me with payment procedures, to consult with the shop people, to activate my account..etc..

Lecture ...she is a good listener. At home, she is the one who explain the things that I don't understand. She have a marvelous ILA group discussion, excellent ILA notes and diagram..she shared with me. THANK YOU.

Time management? I think i win this time. I might be consistent with my daily life activities. I jot down everything in my planner. maybe she does too..but perhaps, I jot them clearer than her. hehe..why i am so sure? read these scenarios:

1. "Teaks, nanti pukul 5 kita bersiap eh?"
"Eh, pukul 5? nak pergi mana?"
"Eh, mak cik sorang ni. kan kita ade meeting NEXT?"
"Oh ..ha ah la..hehehheh"

2. "Teaks, jap lagi teman kita singgah kat Medical school reception. Nak hantar borang agreement ni"
"Eh, ada kena hantar apa-apa ke?"
"Eh, mak cik sorang ni..semalam ambil handbook purple tu, tak baca lagi ke? kan die suruh hantar borang kat belakang sekali tu?"
"Oh ye ke?..hehhehe" .....

But..what ever things happen, it is ok. ACCEPT EACH OTHER.



Abu Hamzah Anas bin Malik, radiyallahu 'anhu, who was the servant of the Messenger of Allah, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, reported that the Prophet, sallallahu 'alayhi wasallam, said:

"None of you truly believes (in Allah and in His religion) until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself"

Nobody is perfect except Allah. The most Gracious, the most Merciful.

I thank to Allah for granting me millions of NIKMAT.

I thank to Allah for granting me Iman, islam. And LOVE.

I thank to Allah for granting me people who LOVE me.

I thank to Allah for granting me people that I LOVE.

This is ISLAM.





rusnarusli said...

salam, wanie...
kte pembaca setia blog wanie tau... hehe
rajin2 la menulis
sedap x maggi teaks... mai semangkuk... hehe
o Allah kukuhkanlah ukhuwah ini ~amin~

Mysara said...

panjangnyeee entry awak wanie. nway,welcome to the blogosphere =). baguslaa ramai2 ade blog nie..xde laa lost contact sgt. wanie,kite rase bess sgt mase jumpe awak ritu.rase cam ade kat kmb balik,ngan yi lin lg,mmg bestlaa..eyh,kite link blog awak kat blog kite tau!!! tata :>


Salam, it would be nice if you could standardized the font which you use for all your entries. But it's up to you. Wassalam

norshazwani othman said...

ok tq for the comments..mai ni entry kite utk the whole week. this week sibuk ni kire gabungan 2 weeks. hhhheheh..

erm..insyaalah..first time blogging biaserla..tak perfect.

imaaaanj said...

wanie! hehe. comelnye crite awk ngn teaks! uhuhu.. kite mcm buleh bayang teaks mase tu kot. alahai rindunye kat korg! kite ade plan ngn mun, insyaAllah kitorg akan turun sheff gak nnt. hehe. doa la plan kitorg jadik! (^^) kirm salam sayang to teaks! muahs~

*teaks* said...

oho wanie~~malunye saye~~hehe=p

tula kan..mslhnye hr jumaat tym kt kne masak tuh..kt smgt2 nk masak, pastu AYAM, TELUR, even BERAS pon hbs..buntu weh nak msk ape..huhu...clas hbs lewat...sampei umah dh kol 4 lbeh..nk maghrib xsempat nk beli kate ape..BAD HAIRDAY~~hee~~

tp tula, alhamdulillah kt salu dpt kwn2 yg complimentary neh..dulo ade nazi, ena kam, dina, wina, dat, aisyah..ramei lg la yg mcm wanie jg..sentiase terancang~~mcm kt ni salu redah je..ekeke=p

ala kulli hal, tq 4 always being there 4 me!! wanie ni mcm mak kt tau~~hehe..muahs!!